Embody Your Unlimited potential and step into your highest vision.

Embark on a transformative 3 day journey to unleash more of your POTENCY and step into your POWER.

I KNOW you feel a deep YEARNING for more...

A calling to tap into something extraordinary within yourself and create a profound impact on the world?

The Omni Magick™ Retreat is your invitation to awaken the magick that lies dormant within.

Is this Retreat for You? YES! Because you are ready to:

  • Unleash YOUR limitless potential and shed limiting beliefs.
  • Connect with your Divine spark and access the power directly from your Source
  • Embrace unwavering confidence and radiate your authentic power.
  • Become a magnet for your desires and manifest your highest vision.

The Omni Magick™ Retreat

This isn't your ordinary retreat. It's a powerful immersion into expansion, guided by experts who understand the language of your soul, all of your consciousness and subconscious.

This retreat is not a healing journey, but a constant elevation into your most authentic expression & power.

Welcome! 8|8

Welcome Celebration!

Begin your journey with a warm welcome, connect with fellow new friends, soul family, and set your personal intentions for our time together.

Day 1

Awakening your Divine Connection

Journey through your Quantum space, clear everything in the way of your Source. Meet & connect with your 12D self to realize your path with ease. Ditch old identities holding you in the old. Meet your Potency and start to elevate your power.

Day 2

Unleashing your Unlimited Potential

Through Advanced Energetics and connecting with all your multidimensional selves, supercharge your natural soul gifts, uncover and channel more of your potential. Create a new powerful identity that will support you in realizing your vision.

Day 3

Calibrating to the Vision beyond the Vision

This is a pure magick day. Receive the Vision beyond your Vision and download your Unique Higher Frequency Soul Codes to support you in calibrating to your highest timelines. And let’s take it home by collapsing old ones as well as stepping into the ones you are ready to live full out.

Omni Magick™ Retreat Includes:

  • Omni Magick™ Immersions
  • Collapsing the old matrix and Identities
  • Activating & Expanding your Unique Natural Soul Gifts
  • Upgrading your Operating System with Advanced Energetics
  • Special Session to Receive Unique Higher Frequency Soul Codes™
  • A workshop with the Linguistic Mystic
  • Connection Ceremonies
  • Healthy delicious food
  • A Follow up zoom call 2 weeks later.

Welcome To Your New Reality

Imagine stepping out of this retreat feeling:

  • Very powerful and confident: Radiating your light and leading with unwavering conviction.
  • Connected and clear: Aligned with your highest timeline, magnetized to your destiny, effortlessly attracting your desires.
  • Open-hearted and impactful: Become a force for positive change in the world, fully present and feeling connected to everyone and everything


MaZíX Mahalȇl

MaZíX Mahalêl isn't your average mentor. She's an Omniclair, Guide, and Extraordinary Wizard who supports high-achieving New World Leaders to unlock their true potential and manifest their dream life.

For over a decade, she's served over 17,000 individuals (both in groups and private settings) and witnessed incredible transformations.

She is known as the Miracle worker and makes the impossible “reality” very much their living new reality.

With her unique gifts as an Omniclair, MaZíX sees beyond the surface and pinpoints the root cause of issues that hold you back.

Her clients have experienced breakthroughs in all aspects of life - healing deep traumas, breaking limiting patterns, activating intuition, attracting love, and manifesting long-held desires, realizing their ultimate vision with so much ease

She loves to co-create transformation with her clients. While she works deeply in your quantum space, she shares with you tools and processes so you can stay in your power and sovereign in your space.

MaZíX believes, “you truly can experience a different reality where you live in absolute bliss and have the best of the best pretty much all the time. No compromise.”

She works with you to unlock your full potential, leading to a life overflowing with purpose, joy, and powerful relationships in every aspect.


Oz Love

Known as the Linguistic Mystic, Psychic and incredibly sensitive Guide & Teacher, Oz Luv will show you a different perspective in the most gentle manner through his own wordplay and the codes & energy they carry with them.

He will show you how to use words as tools of creation, as opposed as weapons of holding you back and in separation from the truth of who you are.

His love for and uncanny way of embodying the work of Gene Keys, helps leaders feel supported in understanding themselves, embracing their shadows and elevating their vibration with ease.

With his Mastery words he is developing a powerful way to support you in reprogramming yourself, and your subconscious to calibrate to the reality of your dreams.

Client Testimonials

An Intimate Magickal Experience

WIth only 10 spots available, this retreat promises to be a one in a lifetime experience as MaZíX already feels and knows the energy will be super potent.

She will channel and follow her guidance as well as she will work with your own guides and Higher selves which makes this kind of retreats extraordinary, because makes it super tailored to what you really desire and also need.


While they are not included, there are two rooms available at the home where the retreat is taking place to be booked.

Let us know immediately if this is something you would like to add to your retreat.

Ultimately Follow the Call of Your Soul

Connect with your vision, feel your heart desires, converse with your Higher Self, listen to your intuition and if you feel even the slight tingle, curiosity, excitement or immense desire, and you feel goosebumps in your body when you feel the energy calling you, do not hesitate and take the step towards joining the retreat.

Book a call to ask any questions or even confirmations you desire to receive, Mazix will guide you to them masterfully.

Let's Chat! Book A Call Below